All pets make mistakes. However, sometimes these mistakes can lead to further errors if they are not cleaned up properly.

Machine-washable items:
Add one one-pound box of baking soda to your regular detergent and wash the items as normal. 
If this does not work, try washing the items again with enzymatic cleaner. 

Enzymatic cleaners work well in neutralizing pet odors because they are able to break down pet-waste odors. 

If your pet tends to soil the sheets or blankets on a bed, cover the bed with a vinyl picnic tablecloth while you retrain them. 

Carpeted Areas and Upholstery:
Soak up as much as the urine as possible using thick layers of paper towels and newspaper. The more urine you remove from the area by doing this, the easier it will be to clean.

If possible, place the urine-soaked materials in the pet’s designated “bathroom” area. This will help create a scent in the appropriate area. 

Clean the area with clean, cool water. Blot until dry completely. 

For stains that have already set:
For best results, consider renting a carpet cleaner from your local hardware store. 

Avoid using steam cleaners to clean urine odors from carpet or upholstery. The heat produced from these cleaners will cause the stain to become permanent.

Once the area is clean, use a high quality pet odor neutralizer to clean and blot until dry. 

Once dry, use a carpet stain remover to remove any excess stains.

**If the urine has already soaked into the padding underneath your carpet, you may need to remove and replace that portion of the carpet and padding. 

Things to avoid:
Avoid using steam cleaners to clean urine odors from carpet or upholstery. The heat produced from these cleaners will cause the stain to become permanent.

Avoid using harsh chemicals such as ammonia or vinegar. The strong scents might encourage your pet to mark in that area. 

Wood Floors and Walls:
If the wood on your furniture, walls, baseboard or floor is discolored, the acid in the urine has affected the varnish or paint. You may need to remove and replace the layer of varnish or paint. If you do so, make sure the new product is safe for pets. 

Washable enamel paints and some washable wallpapers may respond favorably to enzymatic cleaners.

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