Your new bunny will not bark or meow, but she will be able to communicate her moods and intentions quite clearly. Communication between two species takes time and patience as both parties learn to speak a new language.

The following sounds and actions will aid you in learning "rabbit talk" and consistency on your part will aid your rabbit in learning "human talk." 

Growling. This may indicate an aggressive mood usually provoked by an assumed attack. It may also be followed by a lunge, scratch or bite so it's important to pay attention when you hear this sound. 

Low Squealing. Most rabbits use this when they want to be put down and allowed to run free. 

Gnashing the Teeth. Means the rabbit is completely relaxed. It usually occurs when the rabbit is being petted. urring. Indicates a willingness on the part of the buck to court and mate. 

Thumping or Tapping. This occurs when the rabbit is very frightened or very excited. In the rabbit’s world, thumping is used in burrows to announce danger to the other rabbits. 

Tense Body and an Upright Tail.  This indicates excitement. 

Tense Sitting Position with Ears Laid Back. This means the rabbit is ready to defend herself. 

Rubbing with underside of chin and all kinds of objects. This indicates that these things are part of his territory. Both male and female rabbits mark their territory this way.

Nudging with Muzzle. This means your rabbit wants attention. 
Rolling Over on His/Her Side or Back. This is a sign of pure delight and total comfort with his surroundings.

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