Much like dogs, and small children for that matter, cats also crave your attention. Many times cats will even misbehave just to get you to notice them. Although this behavior can be pesky at times, cats who feel ignored and are seldom handled by humans are more likely to become introverted and standoffish. Providing your cat with regular attention, love, and care will help her flourish into a friendly, relaxed and confident cat.  

To prevent your cat from feeling like she is being ignored, make sure to provide her with at least 10 minutes of your undivided attention when you get home from work. Your day may have been crazy, but your cat’s day consisted of being alone in an empty and quiet house without stimulation. Seeing you is by far the most exciting part of your cat’s day, so make sure to acknowledge that when spending quality time her. Make sure to regularly talk to you cat, cuddle her, stroke her, and play with her so that she feels loved and cared for, and does not feel ignored. 

Increase your cat’s confidence with hunting games. Using wand toys and other cat toys that mimic prey gives your cat the chance to practice her natural hunting instincts. Allowing her to successfully pounce on “prey” will increase her confidence and thus allow her to interact with people more easily. 

If you would like information from an Anti-Cruelty Behavior Specialist regarding this behavior topic, please call 312-645-8253 or email

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