Guinea pigs should have time every day to play and exercise in a small room or enclosed area that does not have any openings through which they could escape. They should always be supervised when they’re out of their cages because they will chew on anything that they find.
Cavies enjoy simple toys like cardboard tubes, empty oatmeal or coffee containers with smoothed edges, and bricks or rocks for climbing. Guinea pig’s teeth are constantly growing, so they need chew toys that will help wear down the teeth. Recommended items include: branches and twigs that haven’t been sprayed with pesticides and/or small pieces of unpainted, untreated wood.
Common signs of illness in a guinea pig include sneezing, crusty eyes, dirty ears, severe diarrhea, hair loss, weight loss, noticeable change in behavior, and bloody or gritty urine. If a guinea pig is showing any of these symptoms, take her to a veterinarian immediately.
Like any other pet, your guinea pig should be tended to each and every day. Make sure that any soiled bedding, droppings, and stale food are be removed from the cage every day. At least once a week, the bottom of the cage should be scrubbed with warm water and mild soap and then allowed to dry before putting in fresh bedding.
The cavy should be brushed regularly to help maintain a clean coat and remove any tangles or loose hair. Long-haired guinea pigs need to be brushed daily to prevent knots.