Rabbit Personalities & Lifespan
Rabbit personalities vary greatly from one rabbit to the next even among littermates. Rabbits can be silly, timid, shy, curious, and high spirited regardless of sex or breed type. They show affection in characteristic ways; choosing to sit near you, climbing on your back or nibbling at your socks. Some will even lick your hands or face. Even feisty rabbits can become affectionate companions, if given a chance to bloom. Spaying or neutering eliminates many behavior problems and prevents many rabbit diseases. Smaller rabbits such as dwarfs are usually more active than larger rabbits. They are able to jump much higher than their larger cousins because of their lighter weight. The average lifespan for a spayed or neutered house rabbit is eight to ten years, although many live even longer.
Adolescent Rabbits
Adolescence usually begins as early as four months and can end as late as two years. Behaviors signaling the onset of adolescence include: loss of house training, spraying, biting, nipping, nest building, destructiveness and courtship behaviors such as mounting and circling. This is a normal part of development, not a sign that something is wrong with your rabbit or that she is bad or mean. It is time to have your rabbit spayed or neutered. Qualified veterinarians are able to spay and neuter rabbits.
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