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Dogs and cats can make wonderful companions for each other. A dog grooming a cat’s head or a cat snuggled against a dog can be some of the most “Aww!”-inducing sights for any pet owner. Care must be taken when introducing a dog to a cat, however; these are two different species with different ways of communicating and

Though a statistical rarity (It is estimated that less than 2% of the U.S. population is bitten by a dog each year), dogs and cats do sometimes bite. Fortunately it is easy to prevent your family and yourself from being bitten.

Ask before petting someone else’s dog. You might even ask if the dog doesn’t like to

‘Tis the season for pet safety! With all the hype of the holidays, it’s important to keep in mind potential pet hazards. Here are a few tips and tricks to help keep your pet out of harm’s way this holiday season.

Christmas Tree Securely anchor your Christmas tree so it doesn’t tip or fall. Covering the tree

Anti Cruelty (AC) is an open admission shelter, which means that we accept any and all animals, no matter their behavioral or medical status. Routinely, animals come through our door that will require above-and-beyond behavioral or medical care post-adoption. Previously, AC used the term “as-is” to

Door dashing can be a dangerous habit for you and your cat. However, it can be easily corrected with patience and proper training. Before entering your house in any situation, be sure to take time to set down any bags and peek inside to ensure

Congratulations on bringing home a new family member! With all the fun and excitement a new cat brings, it is easy to fall short in being fully prepared. Here is a list of basic items that will help make your cat’s transition period as smooth as possible.

Food and Water Dish:
In general, stainless steel