Before bringing home your new feline friend, make sure your home is prepared for your new cat’s curiosity. 

Keep toxic foods and other items that may be harmful to your cat’s health in cabinets or other areas your cat cannot get into. For more information about foods and plants that are toxic to your pet, please see our Toxic Food and Plants articles. 

Unplug electrical cords. Many cats like to chew on cords and can be shocked if the wire is plugged in. If a cord must be plugged in, make sure to use a cord protector. 

Tie up all drape and blind strings to prevent your cat misinterpreting them as toys and injuring themselves or damaging your drapes in the process. Also make sure to keep all ribbon, yarn, hair ties, and other things of the sort up and out of your cat’s reach. Ingesting these items can be harmful to your cat’s health. 

Put scratching posts in front of furniture. This will divert your cat’s scratching needs to the post rather than your nice furniture. 

Use caution when lighting candles. Cats are often attracted to the light and smoke and approach lit candles. To help keep your cat from the flame, try placing hurricanes or candle toppers on your candles. Always blow out a lit candle before leaving the room. 

Pick up clothes and damp towels. Cats often instinctively eliminate on soft and damp surfaces, especially when they are getting used to a new environment. 

If you have allergies, make sure your home is equipped with air purifiers, vacuums with air filters, and other methods to keep you home allergen-free. 

Check all the nooks and crannies of a room before closing it off. Many cats prefer to sleep in tight, nooky places. Before closing a door to any room, make sure to check and make sure your cat isn’t tucked away in a corner. 

Secure window screens. Cats love to perch on a window sill and look out. To prevent your cat from escaping out the window, make sure all of the screens are securely installed.

Recent Articles

If you are expecting a baby, you have probably heard of toxoplasmosis. Since the disease can be transmitted via contact with cat feces, many pregnant women are told to lower their risk by giving away their cat or by putting their cat outside. Neither is necessary. Rather than resorting to extreme and unnecessary

It is very possible that during the course of your animal’s lifetime, he or she may be injured in a way that requires immediate assistance. You may also encounter a stray animal who is hurt. When a situation like this arises, it is important to be well-informed.

NOTE: The information provided here is very

The following plants can be toxic to cats if ingested. If you think your pet may have ingested any of the plants on this list, contact your veterinarian immediately or seek emergency medical care.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888) 426-4435


Thank you for considering welcoming this special cat into your home. This fact sheet will help to answer any questions you may have about this condition.

What is FIV?

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is an infection with a retrovirus and is only found in cats – humans, dogs, and other