Recognizing that there are sometimes financial barriers that may lead a pet owner to consider relinquishment, Anti-Cruelty created the Pet Support Fund to provide help to preserve families and prevent shelter relinquishment.
This special service, initially established as the Pet Deposit Subsidy project under the Pet-Friendly Housing campaign, provides one-time assistance to ensure pets and their people can stay together. The Pet Support Fund currently provides help in a variety of ways. Past support has included:
- Customized pet care packages which may include pet food, dog crates, or general care supplies
- Transportation to and from a veterinary clinic through a ride-share service like Uber or Lyft
- Training or behavior assistance through a local facility or virtual partner like GoodPup
- Grooming support through a local business
- Pet deposit assistance to help pet owners secure housing
To qualify for the program, pet owners must be referred by a social service organization and must complete a phone consultation with a member of the Community Care team to determine eligibility. If approved, the Community Care team facilitates the provision of services or supplies on the owner’s behalf. The Pet Support Fund assists an average of 30-40 families each year.