Pet Food Pantries

Food Pantries

The Chicago animal welfare community is committed to helping the pets of people in need.

Anti-Cruelty hosts Pop-up Pet Food Pantry programs on a monthly basis in Chicago neighborhoods such as Roseland and Pullman. Check here for the latest information. 

The following organizations offer pet food and other care supplies to pet owners throughout the city.

Friendship Pet Food Pantry
2711 W. Lawrence Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625

Provisions: Pet food; Cat litter, toys, leashes when available
Frequency: Third Saturday of every month 
9:00-11:00 a.m.
Requirements: Chicago resident and proof of spay or neuter

Irving Park Community Food Pantry
3801 N. Keeler Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641

Provisions: Pet Food
Frequency: Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. -noon.;
Second Tuesday of the month, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Requirements: Available to current clients only

PAWS Chicago Emergency Pet Food Bank
3516 W. 26th Street
Chicago, IL 60623

Pop-up pantries offered in a variety of locations. Call 773-217-9113 for more information.